By Gbeat411 - 25/06/2010 05:09 - United States

Today, I went to boxing and this hot chick asked me if I was wearing a sports cup. I replied yes, when I wasn't. I thought she was going to check with her hand and feel. She checked with her knee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 010
You deserved it 71 264

Same thing different taste


that is insanely idiotic of you... nice going.

ReptarOzoneKing 0

roses are red violets are blue your a dumbass I'm glad she kicked you :D

ydi for being such a desperate perv you had to try and trick a girl into touching you.

Wow... you seriously expected that she was going to confirm you were by feeling your crotch area when you must not even know each other? You are beyond pathetic. Obviously you weren't going to be expecting her to knee you in the crotch, but if you were expecting her to feel you down there then you couldn't possibly deserve this any more. If anything she should have kicked you as hard as is humanly possible. That would be more just.

WoAhAnNa123 0

yes, thats what girls want to do is feel a cup. psh.... wtf you deserve it.