By Nikki - 13/05/2015 00:33 - United States - Satellite Beach

Today, I went to bring my 92-year-old neighbor some cake we had just made. When I walked in, she was wearing pants. That's it. I stared blinking in shock for a few seconds before running away, yelling, "So sorry. I brought you cake. Real tired. Gonna sleep now. Bye." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 018
You deserved it 3 600

Same thing different taste


What's so bad about her wearing pan....oh. I see.

You're telling me you just walked right on in?

You should have looked her dead in the eye and said, "I brought you something to eat, but I see you have pancakes already" and then left.

Did you knock or ring the doorbell first? If you just walked in ydi.

reminds me of the time I saw my 96 year old great grandma naked. yuck.

I can imagine that must've been quite awkward, but honestly, some of the comments on here are so over the top. Djeez, she's an elderly woman, of course she doesn't look like a 20 year old, but it's not like OP will be scarred for life because of the sight of some saggy boobs. When did seeing naked bodyparts become a traumatizing life event? Kudos to you for bringing her cake OP, that's a nice thing to do. :)

I was waiting for someone to say something like this! Couldn't think of the right words... Thanks for speaking up. :)

You should of called 30 min befor to give her time to prepare herself. That's what I do with my 96 year old neighbor

Why didn't you use her knockers? Her door knocker!