By Anonymous - 11/12/2010 05:16 - Canada

Today, I went to check if my neighbours were home to return their dog, having looked after her for a few days. I looked in the window and the place was empty. They'd moved house and stuck us with their dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 544
You deserved it 3 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how is this bad? they scored a free dog! you can teach it to kill and steal from the elderly


how can you not notice if someone moves out? surely they would have a moving van…

Exactly what I was thinking - although maybe OP thought their neighbours were going on an exceptionally long holiday? lol

Meh, they could have mostly moved, asked OP to watch dog then done the rest.

You don't necessarily need a moving van, we didn't the last time we moved.

some people r wierd... if they didn't want to b noticed they couldve moved out in the middle of the night

Sooooooo what you're saying is that you people didn't see them take anything out of the apartment? FAIL!!!

It never said it was an appartment. Just letting you know.

So maybe something drastic happened and the had to leave the dog? Like they lost their house and had to move to a place that didn't allow pets? So they thought that the dog would be better taken care by y'all. Then sending it to the pound to be put down if no one wanted it? Did you ever think of this?

Why would they think of it if no one told them? I'd be pretty damn mad if I was trying to do a favor for someone and then they just took advantage of me like that. What if they don't have the financial means to take care of a dog? What if they just don't want a dog? That doesn't make them a bad person. Even if the neighbors for some reason could not bring the dog to wherever they moved to, I still think it was incredibly selfish of them and in no way is the OP in the wrong here (in my opinion).

If they couldn't take care of their dog anymore or had to move to a place that doesn't allow pets they should have told the OP instead of just leaving.

sallen0046 4

How do you fail to notice someone moving an entire household of items? It's not a quick or quiet process.

Perhaps the moving vans showed up while the OP was at work. Most people actually do move during weekdays, after making settlement on their new home, so I can see how the OP missed these jerks moving. The fact that they were planning to dump their dog on the OP also made it imperative that they moved when the OP wasn't around. These people did not want this dog and were too lazy to take it to the pound themselves. More pets are being dumped now because of the economy. Pets, especially dogs, are expensive and as people are laid off or taking pay cuts, their budgets are strained and the dog becomes an unnecessary mouth to feed. OP, you did not choose to own a dog so don't feel bad if you don't want it. They are expensive, smelly, dirty, pooping, peeing, barking, barfing, humping, slobbering, jumping, chewing messes who trap you into rushing home for their crapping schedule (sorry, I have to leave this wonderful dinner party early so I can go home and walk Fido so he can take a dump). Some people are so desperate for companionship that they put up with this nonsense but you are not obligated to do so. You were stuck with this dog by trickery; you did not choose it. If you can't re-home it, take it to the pound. It will be worse for the dog if it is living in a home where it is unwanted.

Maybe they knew the neighbors were moving and thought they would pick the dog up when they left...

haha doubt it, looks like a playboy layout

Bob Barker?! Are you insane? You never give an animal to Bob Barker. Everyone knows the real reason he is so hell bent on having animals spayed and neutered is not to control the animal population, it's to control the Bob Barker animal popular. I mean c'mon his name says it all.

my2centsworth 15

That's a prosecutable offense. If you are willing to press the matter, go to the police.