
By germx - 18/03/2009 04:07 - United States

Today, I was at my job in the Dean of Students office. My boss gave me some papers to copy. As I was copying, I read in a report that my boyfriend was written up for "cohabitation" (having a girl stay over) at my Catholic university. The report was from a weekend I wasn't at school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 394
You deserved it 4 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Post a copy to him with a note letting him know he's dumped :) he'd deserve it. Unless of course you've made a mistake. That's probably worth checking.


Ask him what they were doing. If he says they were "studying for a test" ask him for what class. If you don't have that class, ask him WHO exactly it was. Go up to her. If she tries to run; they did it. If she smiles when she sees you; they did it. If she acts as if you're not there; they did it. If she says "i don't know what you're talking about"; they did it. if she tells you;they didn't....or it just might be a cover story, so;they still could have done it.


Post a copy to him with a note letting him know he's dumped :) he'd deserve it. Unless of course you've made a mistake. That's probably worth checking.

maybe it was like his cousin or someone. don't always assume the worst.

Show him a copy of the report and put a note saying we need to talk. Then she will find out if it was a mistake or not.

Go find someone new don't get mad at the girl its ur boyfriends fault it usually almost is every time

AngelAshley 0

Not that I condone his actions, but the real question is why he was getting "written up" for having a girl over. Isn't that an invasion of privacy?

Jbiebs82 0

They probably heard them if u know what I mean


Ask him what they were doing. If he says they were "studying for a test" ask him for what class. If you don't have that class, ask him WHO exactly it was. Go up to her. If she tries to run; they did it. If she smiles when she sees you; they did it. If she acts as if you're not there; they did it. If she says "i don't know what you're talking about"; they did it. if she tells you;they didn't....or it just might be a cover story, so;they still could have done it.

#4: not if it's in the school rules to which you agree when you sign your admission papers. How do you know the girl wasn't a relative, or a friend? Why do girls always have to assume the worst? And maybe it's also what #3 said.

It's not that we assume the worst, is that we think logically. If it was a friend or a relative he would have told her. He would also have told her that he got written up for it. If he hid it then he's obviously hiding something. She could confront him... just say something like "Hey, I saw you got written up for something but I didn't see what it was. What happened?" and then see what he says. If he says anything other than what it actually was then he cheated, and he's trying to cover it! AND THEN YOU DUMP HIS ASS!

Asilex: "girls think logically" hmmm... something seems off about that statement.... Oh and also, no a guy might not. Guys in general don't obsess over trivial facts so having a family member over on a night when a the girlfriend isn't around isn't something ultra important that we'd share. Not to mention guys often don't share every mundane detail of their life with their SO as is.

Wow, #3 and #8: to assume that this happened because she didn't "put out" enough is INCREDIBLY misogynist. So you're saying that because she didn't please her man sexually, he made the CHOICE to go screw around with someone else? That's a stinking pile of bs. germx: technically this is something you shouldn't have found out, but find out you did anyway; since the damage has been done, I think your best bet is to ask your boyfriend about it. There are any number of reasonable explanations, and he deserves a chance at that. Only you can decide if you believe his answer. And if you have friends give you advice that he slept around because you didn't put out enough -- dump your friends; they aren't helping you. No one should be pressured into that.

ahh, nothing like a little easvesdropped information to feed into neurosis. who knows, it could have been a friend, or a lesbian, or a study partner, or a relative; but of course, that's not what my mind would believe, either. let him explain himself, but don't be stupid.