By journeytotheend - 14/07/2012 06:55 - Canada - Surrey

Today, I went to city hall to pay for a parking ticket. After returning to my truck, I found a parking ticket on my window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 244
You deserved it 28 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seems like someone needs to learn how to park in the right places.

HonestTruth 5

If you can take a look at my avatar, that would be face if that happened to me.


Next time, make sure you park somewhere where u can't be ticketed or towed!

jellycorn 13

Possibly, the spot wasn't marked and whatever council are just money hungry revenue raisers. This is the case with more than one ticket,

I found that you have to take another person with you to pay for a ticket just to keep the meter with time on it. They have meters that don't give enough time and when you need to feed a meter every hour with a line of at least an hour you don't have time to get in and out in time to avoid another ticket. The parking people aren't genius's but that's simple economics, keep supply low and demand high. Then there is always the slow service and even though they have 6 - 10 windows there are normally only two tellers.

jayfreeman80 0

Most people learn from their mistakes - it seems you don't!!!!

hateevryone 14
takeitandrun 13

Not sure if YDI or if it sucks to be you. if you just didn't learn your lesson the first time then you deserve it but I once had to go to court over a broken headlight and the only parking was meters which only went up to 2hrs. Court lasted 6hrs and they wouldn't let me leave to put change in my meter so I got a parking ticket. If it's like my case FYL

KiddNYC1O 20

Geez. You're like my uncle. Do you also complain about how high your insurance rates are?

Looks like you're a very slow learner. May I suggest you mail-in any future fines.

rcgirl2 11

Well park your car in a different spot and go right back in city hall and pay that ticket.

Jewbenita 0

you should pay more attention to where you park, considering you got 2 tickets for the same offense in a very small time window.