By disney - 26/11/2009 16:30 - United States

Today, I went to Disney World. I fell and hit my head while jumping up and down to see Ariel. I'm a 35 year-old man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 873
You deserved it 43 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

X0XyentroucX0X 0

i seen her...i dont blame u she is pretty hot

Talking about Ariel, how do mermaids reproduce ?


ringleader123321 0
branflakes204 0

that's the best part of Disney

qwerty10618 0

if it's Belle, i might have the same fate..

ninjasaurous 0

So? I freak out to see TarZan and Aladden, and anyways, it's freakin Disney World!!!!! Do what you want! Be a kid again!

Haha I hate Ariel but I love MIKEY MOUSE! lolzzzzz