By Username - 15/12/2011 06:57 - United States

Today, I went to eat the orange I'd brought to work, but couldn't find it. After minutes searching, I found it. Nailed to the ceiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 568
You deserved it 2 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sounds like a fun place to work. Find out who did it, and put hot sauce in his coffee.

MyHorseTango 7

How does someone even come up with that idea let alone actually take the time to nail it to the ceiling....

Dont you just hate it when your fruit gets nailed to the ceiling? It's so inconvenient.

por2gezstud 0

Put glue in the key hole so next time know one gets there lunch.

Gothicbunnyx3 16

Set up a video camera next time!

kemmiixxbear 3

teheheheheheh something I'd do:)

thejedi08 10

your co workers are... AWESOME!

samimurr28 10