By Username - 15/12/2011 06:57 - United States

Today, I went to eat the orange I'd brought to work, but couldn't find it. After minutes searching, I found it. Nailed to the ceiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 568
You deserved it 2 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments


littlemsweirdo 12

What the heck? This is not FML worthy. More like a WTF kind of thing. Ooh maybe be we should start that!

It's not nice to judge other people's orange habits

I'm actually at a loss for words here. Must have been a big nail, though.

that actually sounds pretty funny, on some Jim and Andy shit.. At least he didn't throw your phone in the ceiling tiles (if you got that reference I have a new respect for you)

If you're a builder I would not want you building my house...

Hollico 0

its ok, we wrapped the managers chapstick neatly in clear packing tape so he couldn't open it.