By LimpMcgee - 07/02/2011 02:36 - United States

Today, I went to go use an automatic cart in Walmart because I broke my hip in January. They were all being used by morbidly obese people throughout the store. I asked a manager if she could get me one, but apparently their weight issues are more impeding than my broken hip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 158
You deserved it 3 659

Same thing different taste

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That's happened to me before. Right after I got out of the hospital from surgery I had to wait after some fat ass who needed a motorized cart. People like that seriously don't give a shit. They looked at me and saw that I was probably more able to walk because I didn't have 300lbs hanging over my body.

Why do fat people need motorized carts? Can't they just like, roll?


I think it's interesting how many people there are who find fat people disgusting and think they should do something about their lives and it's all their faults, yet they wouldn't have the same attitude towards an alcoholic or a drug addict. Just because a substance like alcohol is physically addicting doesn't mean someone should have ever allowed himself or herself to become addicted in the first place. That was definitely a choice, and there's no excuse for it. It was that person's own mistake. Same with cigarettes. Those people are killing themselves, and some will brush it off saying "Oh they can't help it, they're addicted." No one MADE them start! That being said, I understand that no one's perfect, and people make mistakes. So, I do have sympathy for overweight people too. It's a lot harder to reverse the effects of overeating and under-exercising than it would have been to just eat right and exercise in the first place. But having an attitude of hatred and disgust towards them doesn't help anything. If you don't have anything nice and encouraging to say, then don't say anything at all.

what world do you live in where people don't criticize and look down on smokers, alcoholics, and drug addicts?

Exactly! I have been thinking this whole time that none of the people who were feeling sympathy for the morbidly obese would feel sympathy for any other kind of addict. For the people who are saying that there are some people who genuinely can't help being fat: This may be true, but I somehow doubt that is true for every single one of the people who were taking up the carts at that particular time. Though I agree that management couldn't rightly kick anyone out of a cart for the OP, people really should have some personal responsibility. Just follow the golden rule! Treat others like you wish to be treated. The world would be a much better place.

#214 -- i would say that the overweight simply need encouragement. sympathy is a bit me, anyway. but i believe that people have problems with obese people because of the effects they have on other people (for example, wider seats), in addition to the aura of entitlement that they often give themselves. while alcoholics and drug addicts have affected society in many major ways, to include broken families. however, unlike the obese, you are less likely to find alkies and druggies glorifying their habits. |the kid|

and that is why you should shop at target! go to wal mart in the middle of the night, surprisingly not SO MANY weirdos and cart hogs

too many people are writing novel replies damn

lilgurll 0

well yes...because if they fall they could break more than a hip...such as the floor...FYL.

kitty919 0

I will be laughing my ass off when you skinny people have medical problems that make you that "fattie" everyone is judging.

@ #214 But all he is saying is that he needs it more than the obesed, besides they got obese because of themselves and if they got it genetically well then you couldve prevented that with excercises and not sit on their lazy asses.

CasperSnacks 0

fat people need to walk around while they shop. maybe then they won't want to walk around and buy so much food. then they might not be so fat. and people with broken hips and legs should get to use the motorcarts before all the stupid fat people.

Damn guys, it's almost as if fat people wanna be treated like human beings. Shit, I forgot it's cool to treat people like garbage.

You should have known that Walmart sucks when it comes to customer service. The only people that actually like their store are the fatties that need a cart to transport them around the store. Why don't you fat asses try walking?! I hope you get one next time.