By LimpMcgee - 07/02/2011 02:36 - United States

Today, I went to go use an automatic cart in Walmart because I broke my hip in January. They were all being used by morbidly obese people throughout the store. I asked a manager if she could get me one, but apparently their weight issues are more impeding than my broken hip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 158
You deserved it 3 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's happened to me before. Right after I got out of the hospital from surgery I had to wait after some fat ass who needed a motorized cart. People like that seriously don't give a shit. They looked at me and saw that I was probably more able to walk because I didn't have 300lbs hanging over my body.

Why do fat people need motorized carts? Can't they just like, roll?


ginnyxgorewhore 0

a lot of people who are obese are that way because of serious health problems. yes, its too bad you didnt get to use a cart, but dont judge someone just by their looks. they dont know yout story, and you dont know theres. they very well could have needed those carts just as badly as you.

fatasses. tell them to get thier ******* asses walking, or they can just be ****** lards the rest of their worthless piece of shit lives.

I just got foot surgery & can't bear weight on my foot. Obviously you can't hold a basket or push a cart with crutches, so I was relying on the scooter to get me around to shop. It sickens me to see that all the scooters are taken up, only to find that most of them are being used by fat slobs that could USE the exercise of hunting down their Twinkies & butter.

Walking and not using a motorized cart could help their weight problem.

First of all, we all judge you for shopping at Walmart. Secondly, you really expect the manager to start kicking people off those things, telling them they're fat and don't deserve it? They have no right to tell people who can and cannot use them.

Just because they're morbidly obese doesn't mean they don't have legitimate health issues, too. Some people become morbidly obese due to injuries, or heart conditions like CHF which cause them to barely be able to move without pain. Regardless, it's not the manager's job to determine who is or is not eligible to use the motorized carts. Unless there are a bunch of kids clearly just playing with one, it's not her job to walk up to someone and say, "Hey, because you are fat, obviously you do not deserve that cart. Get off." It sucks that you had to wait around for a cart, but YDI for being such a dick about it.

BaDumTsss_fml 23

"It's not my fault I'm fat!" Uh yeah it is you ate that food you didn't exercise don't you dare put it on us

its no surprise that you live in the united states