By muffinmen1022 - 20/02/2009 05:27 - United States

Today, I went to Macy's to go shopping, I was wearing a shirt and tie and dressed nicely. Customers came up to me with questions, but I just ignored them. Minutes later, thinking I was an employee, the manager came and yelled at me, and threatened to fire me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 436
You deserved it 11 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can always tell the customers that you don't work there.

Now's the time to strike back at your boss-wannabe! Employees of another workplace unite!


lilcuti3pi389 0

thats not FML thats just funny, like i would have laughed.

Hich17 0

"Today, I squandered the opportunity of a lifetime. FML" Also, you're kinda a douche for ignoring those people. I've been mistaken for an employee in a store before, and I actually helped them find what they were looking for, and they were none the wiser. Good times.

that's hilarious. you should have raised hell and said "you can't fire me, I quit". or acted so you get fired.

mochiko 0

i would immediately respond with "**** YOU NIGGERFAGGOT I QUIT!!!!!!!!"

unfortunately yes. but the best we can hope for is to just keep our minds healthy and sane, so at least the ENTIRE world wouldn't be completely ****** by idiocrazies. reminds me of a movie: 'Idiocracy'. watch it, people, watch it and learn what's at stake.

How is this an fml. Ydi for being ignorant.

Hurt16 0

I woulda been like u can't fire me or imma tell abou that time we had WILD MONKEY SEX IN THE BACK ROOM then I woulda tucked a few items in my bag hold my head up high n make a dramatic exit lol

samba6970 0

you should've get that manager fired for yelling at a customer aka you.....:D