By melikeyturtles - 02/11/2011 05:21 - United States

Today, I went to my boyfriend's apartment to break up with him since he's always busy, and I haven't seen or spoke to him in almost 2 months. I arrived to find out from his landlord that he'd moved out 3 weeks ago, leaving a note saying that we were over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 304
You deserved it 8 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ikickgingers 15

After two months, whats the point?

bargarlm 2

What an ass. He took the big dramatic douchebag break up move. But ydi cause you should of realized something was up if it had been 3 weeks.


Owned! JK, after 2 months of no communication, I think that relationship us over.

AliCat18 12

i agree, even 2 weeks is pushing it! you must of had a seriously good relationship to not talk for 2 months! but hey atleast he saved you the hassle.

Coopersmom 0

After not talking to him for a few days you should've figured something out. Or at least that he wasn't the one for you. So 2 months is a little long to go without talking to someone FYL and find someone who will treat you like a princess

cutielilangel 8

We all know ya'll are busy but you guys don't even call each other to see what's up? Just no contact for 2 months?

Seriously? U wait 2 months to talk to ur boyfriend? YDI

cdh531 0

At least he saved you the trouble! Though it is stupid that you waited so long. YDI.

Lisa1993_fml 1

Why did you wait 2 months to talk to him? Did you not realize there was a problem???

RKD 23

Sorry to hear, Op! Sounds like your boyfriend had major issues anyway, if he left town like that, it probably wasn't something you would want to be involved with, and if he had another girl on the side he went to be with, he was a cheating douche that you didn't need anyway! Either way, it was a win for you, even though it probably feels like a loss!