By iamnotfat - 06/02/2009 22:14 - United States

Today, I went to my boyfriend's work to surprise him. When I got there, I called him on his phone to tell him to turn around. I saw him look at his phone. His co-worker next to him asked who that was. He replied, "Just this fat chick I know." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 774
You deserved it 4 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XxLorniklexX 0

punch him in the throat and move on, hun.

Hey, don't stress it. There are plenty of great guys out there.


There are plenty of guys that like fat chicks. Many of them don't want to admit it to their friends, though. This guy is a jerk for having the nerve to date you and then not being able to admit it to other people. Dump him. You deserve much better...

Maybe a different girl texted her at the same time as you?

Next time he tries to call you, pick up the phone, hit "answer," then proceed to talk to your friend as if you just answered by accident and tell your friend the person calling is "just some shallow asshole I know."

I'm wondering if he knows he's your boyfriend? I'm thinking he does not. ydi