By dyingtinkerbell - 18/10/2009 11:14 - Australia

Today, I went to my company's HR manager to ask what the procedure was to file a sexual harassment complaint since my boss exposed himself to me. His response was that the procedure is to "get over it." And he went back to reading. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 897
You deserved it 4 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

letitbe56 0

I don't know anything about Australian law, but I suspect it's illegal for him to ignore your concerns like that. Talk to a lawyer--at very least, the company should transfer you to another department so you don't have to work with your current boss, if not fire him.

xtremelifter 0

The heart of the issue is that she was shown something that she didn't want to see in the first place. Sexual Harassment isn't a "suck it up and get over it." Once you see something like that u can't unsee it. Seek legal help and charges filed against him. Apologize for that having to happen.


ChunAsperEndao 0

You're right. Women "expose" themselves all the time. But men expose themselves all the time. I'm glad you've proved yourself aware of the fact that quotation marks in contexts like this indicate sarcasm or exaggeration. What the hell are you chauvinist morons talking about? I've never had any female coworkers flash me their nipples or their ******. If you have, I'd like to know where it is you work. Of course, more likely, the quotation marks me you're talking about them wearing low-cut blouses, in which case any attempt at drawing equivalence between that and waving your **** at a woman working under you is astonishingly idiotic. You give men a bad name.

Almost every response here sickens me, and I'm a man. Filing charges for sexual harassment after such an incident is not "being a drama queen." Women wearing low-cut shirts is not equivalent to public exposure. #78 is just ******* retarded. Go to the police.

Talk to your corporate office. Take the bastards down. That was a terrible way for the HR manager to handle the situation. And for all you assholes saying YDI because women expose themselves, way to generalize the entire sex. There is a huge difference between showing cleavage, and showing dong.

Completely inappropriate... get an attorney

Don't get a lawyer, go to the EEOC. They love to ass-rape companies that do things like this.

You should have immediately followed up by asking what te procedure is for filing a complaint against an HR manager for being an a**hole and not doing his job.

looks like you get to go and get a real lawyer then. neither behavior is acceptible. hell, most forms of harassment shouldn't count, but that does. that's ****** up.

this happened to me when i was 14 and working at burger queen. 1 girl would grab my dick & nuts everytime i walked by, then go back to making burgers. I WALKED by OFTEN. i told my boss and he gave a me high 5.

when i was 15 , 2 girls would rub their braless nipples on my triceps at the french fry counter all the time. my boss called me casanova. but i was scared cause they were really old girls at the time 20 or 21.