By holiday from hell - 25/12/2013 01:12 - United States - Ridgewood

Today, I went to my dad's house for Christmas. Soon enough, my grandma had commented on how much weight I've gained, my aunt asked me why I'm still single, and my dad joined in by reminding me that I still haven't been accepted into college. Only three more days to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 251
You deserved it 3 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

families really are delightful aren't they? Don't mind them OP I'm sure they're just old and bitter because Santa doesn't visit them anymore!

rhcpgurl 18

What would a holiday be without a dysfunctional family putting you down <3


Shepardspie71 8

Ask your grandmother why she's still Alive, your aunt why she's a bitch, and your dad when is he going to die

Katiekat15 3

That always happens with my dads family. So I never go

your lucky my mom forces me to go every year to my mom's side and my dad's side and there all day events located 2 hrs away

sounds like my Christmas exactly its nice to know im not the only one who doesn't enjoy having to be surrounded by family on Christmas. family is supposed to bring you up not put you down.

Remind them you shouldn't complain without offering a solution. Best possible outcome is a workout buddy, being set up with someone you actually like, and getting into college. ( maybe this Christmas stuff has me overly optimistic but it's worth a shot )

brit628 7

U can always take back ur gifts that u got them return them to the store and get back ur money

Go for the eyes OP. Cruel jokes about your college acceptance status? Tell your dad it's ok, since you know he wouldn't be able to afford your higher education anyway (how you're actually intending to pay for it is moot for the purposes of this insult). Grandma on your thick ankles? That's fine, better to be gaining strength for future years than getting frailer by the day. Aunt simpering about your single status? You've been talking to a few (insert chosen gender/s here), but decided you'd rather remain unattached then end up like her (purposefully vague, she can assign her own meaning here). Hope these bitch tips help with the filial bullying OP. Happy holidays!

Dang, they're worse than fan bases for celebrities. Look at it this way: They have nothing better to do than pick at you, which means they have NO LIFE. Don't mind'em OP. Just set that clock wicked early for the third day and high tail out.