By holiday from hell - 25/12/2013 01:12 - United States - Ridgewood

Today, I went to my dad's house for Christmas. Soon enough, my grandma had commented on how much weight I've gained, my aunt asked me why I'm still single, and my dad joined in by reminding me that I still haven't been accepted into college. Only three more days to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 251
You deserved it 3 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

families really are delightful aren't they? Don't mind them OP I'm sure they're just old and bitter because Santa doesn't visit them anymore!

rhcpgurl 18

What would a holiday be without a dysfunctional family putting you down <3


SherBear133 7

Hey chin up, OP. My acceptance letter didn't come back until March or so. Some schools may take longer to decide than by Christmas. Hang in there.

"Hey, with relatives like you, food is my only real family." "What can I say? I guess I'm not quite as charming and/or loose as certain other people." "At least I finished high school without getting my knees dirty, unlike some people I could mention."

oyevey45 12

This sounds almost exactly like my Christmas. Family is fun. -_-

That's what families do lol, they talk, try to make jokes out of their comments and liven up the mood away from things like that.