By holiday from hell - 25/12/2013 01:12 - United States - Ridgewood

Today, I went to my dad's house for Christmas. Soon enough, my grandma had commented on how much weight I've gained, my aunt asked me why I'm still single, and my dad joined in by reminding me that I still haven't been accepted into college. Only three more days to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 251
You deserved it 3 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

families really are delightful aren't they? Don't mind them OP I'm sure they're just old and bitter because Santa doesn't visit them anymore!

rhcpgurl 18

What would a holiday be without a dysfunctional family putting you down <3


You are not alone. Many people will have to suffer unnecessary comments from negative family members this Christmas.

StompinOnCrayons 15

We all have those "fun" family moments, I hope you get through it and enjoy the rest of your christmas :)

My family doesn't care that much about my life... But then again they're always drunk/drinking... Russia, Germany,and Scotland aren't the three most sober nations for relatives to come from...

crazydave1998 6

the weight gain may have something to do with being single

Or maybe not. That's quite a stupid assessment, and the kind of comment that doesn't help overweight people with their insecurities AT ALL. Solving weight issues is a little bit more complicated than "omg, stop eating so much".

DocFred 8

its a compliment being asked why you are single :) that must mean she thinks you are a good catch

Yeah, my family tried that once. It was like the exact same relatives as in your case but grandma went about why I still don't have a child, aunt made a remark about my grades at the university and dad told me I should find a job. Then I told grandma that I don't want to have children irresponsibly like her, and make them grow up in poverty like my dad and my aunt had to, told my aunt that before she starts going on me about that, she should first finish high school(which she didn't) and then finished with telling my dad that if I remembered correctly he used to be unemployed and needed constant financial catering from mom for a couple of years, so he better shut it too. They haven't been mocking me much since then, altough it was quite an awkward X-mas.

luckyone365 7

You shouldn't disrespect your family like that. Karma tends to get *****. ****.

Well, your grandma sure answered your aunt's question...

To me that seems like an inlaw thing...but three days is better than a week or so...