By StillSingle - 29/06/2009 18:14 - United States

Today, I went to my friend's beautiful wedding. The only other single girl there was 5 years old. She caught the bouquet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 329
You deserved it 5 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmmmr 0

Ugh, I hate when people whine about being single. Being lonely is one thing, but by whining about it you only make an embarassing spectacle of yourself. Learn to be happy on your own, or no good would come from a relationship anyway.

CyclonePsycho 1



It must have been embarrassing to be the only one trying to catch the bouquet other than a 5-year-old girl. No single dudes in the crowd? Maybe there were and they still didn't see the point of approaching you. You must be pretty ugly.

You don't have to be ugly to be single. A lot of gorgeous women are single because men are too intimidated to ask them out.

Oh, that's crap and you know it. Some women who OTHER WOMEN think are gorgeous are not at all to men. Toads like me always go for the gorgeous women, and I don't ever get to keep them because there are better-looking guys who are not too intimidated to ask them out.

ineedfriends 0
hotstuff81 0

It's a little girl you should of let her get it anyways. I guess men just don't see the real woman you really are inside. They don't know that the one is standing right before their eyes. You'll find a man soon don't feel bad. Some people don't get married until they are 60 or older.

Ummmmmmm did NOONE notice number 24????? Or am I jus crazy????

Oh don't get married at all, it's just a piece of paper

soccerboy101 0

To vdrummer, get a life. To the OP, that kinda sucks

flyingpan8 0

man, girls who consider it their prerogative in life to get married, be obsessed with everything marriage related, and then bitch about it on FML are so ******* pathetic. YDI for being an annoying abCdefghijklmnopqrsyUvwxNT.

MeganH0LLYW00D 0

Oh wow boo hoo. ******* stupid...

Gaby_peaceandluv 0

there should really be a "So what?" button