By whitewater_al - 10/07/2009 21:22 - United States

Today, I went to my friend's house for the first time. As I was pulling up, I called him and asked him if I could use his bathroom. He told me to just go in the back and use it, so i did. As i'm sitting on the toilet, someone knocks on the door and asks me who I am. It wasn't my friend's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 301
You deserved it 12 207

whitewater_al tells us more.

well, I think I just realized why OP's don't respond to comments.

Top comments


if you didn't get into any trouble like trespassing, then its not too bad.

Jmido 0

I hope you flushed and washed your hands.

This is why I lock my front door. Not really, but it's a good excuse.

dinosaursmoo 0

Might want to lock your backdoor. It says he came through the back...

I don't have a backdoor. Lets hope the windows don't become a reasonable option. x-x

shewasalmost18 0

hahahahaha I hope you didn't clog it!

I feel more sorry for the person whose bathroom you used.

ROFL, that funny, ask your friend if this is his house before you, use the bathroom

how can you not know it was your friend's house? I mean clearly you know him well enough to ask to use his bathroom...but you don't know what his house looks like? Wow...

i had been to his dad's house, but never his mom's.

rofl what state do you live in? just so I can make sure of some unknown person uses my bathroom I can assume it's you.

hey now... not everyone one from wisconsin is that stupid...

thats not what he meant at all...that was directed at me, not people from wisconsin