By whitewater_al - 10/07/2009 21:22 - United States

Today, I went to my friend's house for the first time. As I was pulling up, I called him and asked him if I could use his bathroom. He told me to just go in the back and use it, so i did. As i'm sitting on the toilet, someone knocks on the door and asks me who I am. It wasn't my friend's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 301
You deserved it 12 207

whitewater_al tells us more.

well, I think I just realized why OP's don't respond to comments.

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lol i was at a hotel once and ran into the wrong room. the lady came out in a towel.

OriginalPooh01 0

Omg I can imagine that happening to me lol. I wonder what they did when you explained it to them.

Why'd u call from the driveway to ask to use the bathroom instead of just going up and knocking on the door lolllz btw smart move????????????

Ha ha ha ha...that is funny and embarrassing.

just saying but wouldn't you notice if the house looked different?

foxwithit420 19

what happened after that ... we're they understanding or mad I need to know