By whitewater_al - 10/07/2009 21:22 - United States

Today, I went to my friend's house for the first time. As I was pulling up, I called him and asked him if I could use his bathroom. He told me to just go in the back and use it, so i did. As i'm sitting on the toilet, someone knocks on the door and asks me who I am. It wasn't my friend's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 299
You deserved it 12 207

whitewater_al tells us more.

well, I think I just realized why OP's don't respond to comments.

Top comments


Oh, no! I'm always scared something like that is going to happen to me, with my luck, it probably will. Totally not your fault. I force all of my friends to personally let me in their house unless it's someone I've known for years that has always lived there. #72 is right though, at least you didn't clog a random stranger's toilet!

This is funny but weird. Why would you call ahead to ask if you could use the bathroom?

xxFailurexx_x3 0

Oh shizz...I wish I could say been there, done that xD You should've answered in an accent "Nobody's home" ...Nevermind My thoughts are not like others xD and its coolio that yur replying to comments :o Never on here have I seen that... Go you :D

That is really funny, if I lived in the other house, I would be laughing when I realized what happened!

hey albert. you do realize that no one actually likes you right?

4h34d 0
Sam_13161821 0

why would you call as you're pulling up...?

tchaikovsky93 0
dalpa 0

holy crap that's frekin hilarious. at least u get an awesome funny story out of it.