By whitewater_al - 10/07/2009 21:22 - United States

Today, I went to my friend's house for the first time. As I was pulling up, I called him and asked him if I could use his bathroom. He told me to just go in the back and use it, so i did. As i'm sitting on the toilet, someone knocks on the door and asks me who I am. It wasn't my friend's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 301
You deserved it 12 207

whitewater_al tells us more.

well, I think I just realized why OP's don't respond to comments.

Top comments


Whitewater, I see? Well I'm not surprised. You hail from the embarassing behavior capital of southeast Wisconsin.

Guitarist45 0

What? you called him as you were pulling up into his driveway to ask to use his bathroom? explain yourself!

mrshansley 0

that seriously just made my day! haha. that's hilarious. sounds like something i would do, honestly...

lmfaowww 0

This is the best a very ..very long time agghh

AnaMaree 0

When he asked did you say the boogeyman?

This is the first fml I seen an op write ever !

deathbunny256 0

No, that's an awesome thing! I've only seen a few FMLs where the OP actually responded, but you are the light at the end of the tunnel, mafriend. :)

i like that the OP's actually Replying! that's awesome. you dont have to wonder "how did that even happen?" beucase he/she's actually replying! Good job OP! =P But honestly.. that sucks ass. if that happend to me i'd move away...farrr away

haha well everyone just thought it was real funny, just like everyone who has been commenting, so it's all good.