Romance is dead

By xlees - 18/08/2021 10:01 - New Zealand

Today, it was my last day with my boyfriend before he went back to Germany. He lovingly said to me, "I will never find another girl like you. Unless I rip off her leg and tear out her eye." I’m an amputee, and was born with a blind eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 109
You deserved it 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Humor like that is only okay if it has already been established as acceptable in the relationship. Sounds to me like it wasn’t in your case. :(

diraven 15

Is his last name Frankenstein?


That's insensitive. Please talk to your boyfriend about it because an apology is warranted. He needs to work on his sense of humor. If he doesn't see anything wrong with it, that's a potential red flag cause it's a sign of disregarding your feelings.

Humor like that is only okay if it has already been established as acceptable in the relationship. Sounds to me like it wasn’t in your case. :(

That's a lot of progress considering what his people did to those who were physically impaired a few generations ago.

No, it's mostly just this guy at that point....

diraven 15

Is his last name Frankenstein?

Sonotsuave 35

That’s extremely weird and distasteful to say. Even if you both have rapport or comfort making off color jokes on that level, it’s still not a very appropriate thing to say in general or in the moment. I’m sorry