By oh no - 22/06/2015 20:58 - United States - Vallejo

Today, I went to my girlfriend's parents' house for lunch. I ended up in the bathroom constipated and remembered reading it's easier to "go" if you are squatting. My girlfriend's dad walked in on me perched on the toilet like an owl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 488
You deserved it 5 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lock the door if you're doing weird shit (literally)

That's the kind of story that you can mention to your grandkids 60 years later over eggnog


skyttlz 32

Some doors don't lock. In my house none of the bedrooms or the bathroom have locks.

That's a pretty dumb design. I think it would be worth the investment to buy new door knobs with locks.

When you are constipated, it's better not to force out. Try to swallow a few tablespoons of olive oil, it can help. Considering it can take hours, I wouldn't have dared pushing in a bathroom without lock.

Usually if the bathroom door is shut, I knock to make sure no one is in there, but I don't know how I would react if I saw someone doing what you did..

Wait, were you literally squatting ON the toilet?

RickiRose 9

What's wrong with the dad? Whoever in their right mind just opens a closed bathroom door without knocking? Especially if you have company! How rude

Next time, lock the bathroom door. Any bathroom without a lock is just weird (unless it's broken). It's surprising how many posts on here involve an unlocked bathroom door.

LazyLion 12

Here is a golden opportunity Now every single time you are over at their house don't sit Instead perch yourself Let the mind **** begin

Even if you were shutting normal, shouldn't you lock the door? plus. couldn't you have waited til you got home to try that?