By L'hommeCultivé - 07/05/2015 06:59 - China - Beijing
Top comments
Usually they look very different and are labelled. If it wasn't then that's their fault, you were only trying to help the starving.
Donate some money in front of the people OP, then apologize for any misunderstanding..
You probably shouldn't have been eating in the temple in the first place.
I don't know about temples in China, but in Hindu temples they serve food in the temple. They also give you fruits and you have to eat that otherwise it's considered bad luck. Again, not sure how it is in Chinese temples, but just putting the possibility out there.
I bust out burgers and fries when I go to my local Taoist temples.
1 - You should've at least had put the apples cut up in slices and in a Ziploc bag or something alike, or at least be more respectful than to eat it as a whole in the temple. The entire fruits in a Ziploc bag thing was what even the people back in my home country did when I went to visit even palaces from ancient times when one of my cousins last time I was in Korea. 2 - You were at a temple. Why would you assume anything and everything that looks like a trash can is one? Considering how big Asia is with things like monks depending on the area, it shouldn't have come as a surprise that they would have donation boxes. You should've checked to make sure it wasn't a trash can before you through your apple away.
is this the same person who sat next to a monk?
I really hope it is.
Really hate when foreigners come to my country & disrespect it, no im not from china, just stay home for god sake.
You gave the donation of seeds that will grow to many apple trees that will feed many. It's not the gift, but the thought that counts
you ate a loud crunchy apple in the temple? seriously? even a quiet snack would be rude to walk around around freaking temple! you couldn't wait or take a snack break outside. the fml isn't even the trash can thing. the fml is you're oblivious to common courtesy.
no. it doesn't matter. people go to temples for private reasons and you shouldn't be noisy or distracting. obviously if it's a situation like a festival or something then that's not what I'm talking about but it doesn't seem like it was a festive temple. Respect other guests in public areas especially personal areas such as temples or other religious locations. common sense. sit down and have and snack and pay attention to your surroundings.
You gotta be pretty dumb to not tell the difference...they're usually labelled.

You probably shouldn't have been eating in the temple in the first place.
Usually they look very different and are labelled. If it wasn't then that's their fault, you were only trying to help the starving.