By oh no - 22/06/2015 20:58 - United States - Vallejo

Today, I went to my girlfriend's parents' house for lunch. I ended up in the bathroom constipated and remembered reading it's easier to "go" if you are squatting. My girlfriend's dad walked in on me perched on the toilet like an owl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 488
You deserved it 5 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lock the door if you're doing weird shit (literally)

That's the kind of story that you can mention to your grandkids 60 years later over eggnog


I had this problem not too long ago OP, I was constipated due to medication I'd been prescribed. Remember to drink enough water and look up on YouTube how to properly do a colonic massage. I went from not pooping in five days to pooping five times in twelve hours. They weren't small poops either.

Door locks are a wonderful thing...were you using a dual excess bathroom? Or did he just decide to walk in or something?

LtBrenton 16

Tell me.... Why'd you have to go and make me all constipated?

Ava_Darkflame 26

Guys, some people don't have a lock on their bathroom door. My neighbor doesn't even have a bathroom door, their temperamental teenage daughter kicked it down. OP's case is maybe they don't have a lock.

You went to the bathroom and din't bother to lock the door... ydi.

CliffyB03 28

Woo doesn't knock before entering a closed bathroom door?

Are you really that dumb not to lock the door?

Just from a quick glance through the comments, I'd say 1 out of every 10 people will consider that the door may not have had a lock.

My advice would be to try vey freaking hard to hold it next time and rush home if it's an option so you're not constipated there to begin with. Because that in itself sounds sucky. Look on the bright side though if her dad likes you? He'll either be too embarrassed to say anything or he'll never let you live it down and you'll become owl man! Lol sorry hun