By Anonymous - 14/09/2011 16:34 - United States

Today, I went to my gyn to see what a painful lump is under my armpit. Turns out it's breast tissue, and yes, it will fill up with milk when I'm pregnant. I essentially have three boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 420
You deserved it 2 846

Same thing different taste


It's not another boob, it's a milk duct dumbass

Um,I'm pretty sure that's what they call a milk duct. I'm breast feeding my baby right now and when my breasts fill up they hurt all the way into my armpits. It's no where near being a third boob.

They are making a remake of 'total recall' there is a part in that one you'd be perfect for

mylifepwnz 0

All I can think of is WHAT THE ****?

gofckyourself 3

some people get breast cancer in there third boob

hmmm well tat least its not cancer... plus more food for le baby

hotscar 3

104, a gynecologist is specifically for the ****** though