By Anonymous - 14/09/2011 16:34 - United States

Today, I went to my gyn to see what a painful lump is under my armpit. Turns out it's breast tissue, and yes, it will fill up with milk when I'm pregnant. I essentially have three boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 420
You deserved it 2 846

Same thing different taste


Just read of one on the bottom of a foot. Could be worse.

itsmichelle97 0

"three ****...that's awesome" the movie Paul

missleypat 0

Under your arm pit?!?! Umm..... Fyl

The area between a a woman hips and her beats are called a "waste"

Ironripster 0

if it wasnt under ur armpit it would be ok, one for his mouth and one for each hand is perfect

Most women have glands for breastmilk in their armpits. I'm a breastfeeding mom and my armpits often tickle when the milk comes in. It's completely normal and you won't be able to tell. Get over it.

Actually having a third bread under your arm is common. Most women just don't realize that until they get pregnant.

I'm pretty sure I would have recognized having a bread loaf under my arm.

Don't worry I'm sure it will go away after you have had the baby that's what happened to my friend

Every one has breast tissue to their armpits- it's normal, pain is not- you should get a second opinion