By Annie - 24/02/2011 06:39 - United States

Today, I went to my son's high school play. The moment I arrived at the auditorium, I shouted out his name to let him know I made it. Thinking I was a student, a teacher yelled, "SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!" Scared out of my mind, I quickly obeyed, to mass giggling from the kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 940
You deserved it 36 862

Same thing different taste


honoshikun 3

If my mum or dad did that to me, I'd be pissed off.

sparxva 12

What lead you to believe that the teacher thought you were a student and not just obnoxious?

this remindes me of the bus driver on south park

babymickeycakes 0

Hahaha ******* idiot even students done do that

QwertyMcNugget 0

Of course you deserved it. Shouting your child's name in an athletic environment is perfectly fine, but in an auditorium or place of performance, is rather rude and obnoxious. You're not an an informal concert, either. I'd say the teacher had every right to yell, and should have kicked you out.

Have better audience etiquette jerk. Coming from a fine arts school, we see this this crap all the time and it's down right embarrassing. You don't shout inappropriately like that in a play. Have some common courtesy for the actors onstage idiot.

sk8r_boiii 0

that's not a female, suck it up, you just got laughed at by a bunch of kids and got yelled at by a bitchy teacher. Yeah, my life is so ******