By harvdog - 02/10/2010 19:43 - United States

Today, I went to Seattle with my mom to visit my pregnant sister, only to end up being dragged to a store to buy maternity clothes. The saleswoman apologized to me repeatedly for not having a lounge for the fathers, but congratulated me on the baby. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 063
You deserved it 5 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oogie_boggie 0

You then should have said you were her sister. I cant imagine the employees face

seattle is a very gay friendly city. She could have figured u to were a gay couple and thought u didnt want to shop with her


Then I would recommend you try shaving or wearing a padded bra. Wich ever most suits your situation.

akell3 12

something similar happened to me. I'm going to post it.

I understand how you feel I got asked out by a girl one time (I'm a lesbian and she was really hot) and she didn't know I was a girl