Get on with it

By ithappenswhenithappens - 03/07/2017 04:25 - United States - Gresham

Today, I've been in my old hometown visiting because my sister is having her baby. I scheduled the trip a full week after her due date, and still no baby. We tried everything to start her labor. I had to go back home, and as soon as my plane landed, I got a text saying she just gave birth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 019
You deserved it 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks op! congrats to your sister though!

I do understand that you have to let your work know you'll be off, but never plan a trip around a babies "Due Date"! It'll not always work as intended, even if its a week after she's due, as babies can be up to two weeks late if she wants to stay natural. Doctors have started to set an induction date a week after her 40 weeks, and that would be the week you'd visit! I hope you get to visit soon, and I hope my info helps anyone else about to plan for a trip!


That sucks op! congrats to your sister though!

I do understand that you have to let your work know you'll be off, but never plan a trip around a babies "Due Date"! It'll not always work as intended, even if its a week after she's due, as babies can be up to two weeks late if she wants to stay natural. Doctors have started to set an induction date a week after her 40 weeks, and that would be the week you'd visit! I hope you get to visit soon, and I hope my info helps anyone else about to plan for a trip!

zeffra13 31

OP did visit a week after the due date, & it sounds like they tried inducing but it didn't work.

I wrote it as Doctors do Induction using a Pitocin drip (In the hospital), then when there's a date for that, go THAT week! OP wrote as if they tried to induce, most likely at home (Squats, exercises) to make it come naturally. There's no way you'd go into a hospital to be induced and they'd send you home if it didn't work!

zeffra13 31

Medication to induce doesn't always work, & OP's sister might have refused C-section outside of emergency. Depending on the doctor, it's possible they decided to try again the next day or some other delay. OP doesn't say how long she visited for.

After already having two babies, one which came 9 days late, for my third pregnancy my father said "these days they pretty much know when the baby will come" when trying to plan when to visit. Of course that baby decided to come two weeks early, not even my husband believed I was in labour.

I formally dub this baby, "Murphy."

Lobby_Bee 17

Kids are so unreliable these days. Smh

As an aside... while I know SMH means 'shaking my head', for some reason every time I see it my first thought is 'smell my hand'. Yeah, go ahead and downvote me. I probably deserve it for one reason or another. Either way, congrats on OP for (eventually) getting their niece/nephew.

I also read it as 'So Much Hate'. Either usually works for me!

Lobby_Bee 17

Wait what? So it doesn't mean Show Me Ham? FML.

I found this story to be auntie-climactic.

Perhaps the baby doesn't like's got feelings too!

Sucks you miss it but otherwise congratulations!!!

Can't plan for stuff like that. I, for example, was a month premature. ._.