By Anonymous - 28/07/2009 17:25 - Belgium

Today, I went to see a movie. While buying tickets, the girl behind the counter asked to show my ID card to proof I'm at least 16 years old. Not wanting to make a drama, I showed it. She took a look at it and declared it as fake. That ID is real and I'm 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 035
You deserved it 3 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at it this way - lots of people would kill and pay a good sum of money to look younger.

my friend has this happen to him at a liquor store. Said his ID was fake, though her really was from colorado, and the ID was real. take it as a compliment tho lol


niemann2006 0

ya, but why would they need to see your id to check if you're 16???? wouldn't it be 18? fake.

go_rangers 0

Ouch. Something similar happened to me when I was 22.... I was in Germany, and when I tried to buy alcohol from a store, she asked for my ID. I have an ID from the US, so I don't think she knew what it was, and the dates are written differently. She gave me a weird, skeptical look. Drinking age there is 16, but they're usually really relaxed about it... not sure why I was carded.

Yeah, I'm 22 and always get carded for cigs. When I go to clubs they look at my ID like it's fake. I get told, "But you look, like, 15." It's a bummer, but I like to think that when I'm older I'll appreciate it. But now, yes, it ******* sucks.

echarperouge 0

Ugh, I'm 23 and this happens to me all the time.

I thought people were more relaxed about that shit in Europe. I guess I deserve it for having faith in humanity. But seriously, that sucks for you.

I have a friend who's 25 but she looks like she could be a freshman in high's just how it is for petite women with youthful characteristics. She actually gets a little worried if she goes to the liquor store and does not get carded.

You're 24!? Wow... Heh, I just thought of something funnier than 24...

umm since when were movies rated pg-16??

oogyboogy 6

hehe twenty five chuckle snitter SPONGEBOB RULES

For rated R movies you have to be 16(0r 17) and older.

They may not be pg-16, but in Belgium movies can be rated KNT, which means children under 16 are not admitted.