By Anonymous - 28/07/2009 17:25 - Belgium

Today, I went to see a movie. While buying tickets, the girl behind the counter asked to show my ID card to proof I'm at least 16 years old. Not wanting to make a drama, I showed it. She took a look at it and declared it as fake. That ID is real and I'm 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 030
You deserved it 3 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at it this way - lots of people would kill and pay a good sum of money to look younger.

my friend has this happen to him at a liquor store. Said his ID was fake, though her really was from colorado, and the ID was real. take it as a compliment tho lol


amaneylandx3 0

where do they ask for age at the & my 6 yr old sister watched orphan. and that's rated r ..? OP: take it as a compliment?

Similar situation happened to my buddy one time...we went to a bar and said his ID was fake. This bar is notorious for confiscating fake ID's and putting them on the wall right when you enter the front door. His ID was real and they confiscated it from him needless to say we had to call the police to get them to give it back. F**king idiots! Sometimes I wonder if people use their heads for more than a hat rack.

bleh993 0

At least we all know you look young

when you're young it definitely isn't a compliment. im going to be 18 in less than a month and people think im 14 or 15 and it really doesn't help that im only 5'1.

dude I know how you feel I'm 19 and people think I'm like 13 or something! It sucks but at least when I'm 50 I'll look like I'm 40! vote:

I'm 24, and I still get asked if I want kids menus and get asked if I'm traveling alone when trying to go through airport security (after being asked my birth date twice, I had to point to it on my passport). It's embarrassing, but there's not much any of us who look younger than our age can do about it. I'm a senior at the University and I still get asked which high school I go to.

Hmm... That sucks at the moment, but in ten to twenty years from now (when most women start to look haggard) you'll hopefully still look young. Think of it as a kinda built in revenge if your significant other ever cheats on you... He'll end up alone or with an ancient looking woman, while you'll still be young and spry in comparison.

mattmalin11 0

I'm 13 and peeps think i'm nine..

Was it an electronic idcard, or just one of the old types? In either case, the lady should have let you in. It has happened to me also, but thats why I carry extra cards with me (in those cases, my KULeuven student card).