By Anonymous - 28/07/2009 17:25 - Belgium

Today, I went to see a movie. While buying tickets, the girl behind the counter asked to show my ID card to proof I'm at least 16 years old. Not wanting to make a drama, I showed it. She took a look at it and declared it as fake. That ID is real and I'm 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 030
You deserved it 3 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at it this way - lots of people would kill and pay a good sum of money to look younger.

my friend has this happen to him at a liquor store. Said his ID was fake, though her really was from colorado, and the ID was real. take it as a compliment tho lol


I feel for you... I'm 23 and apparently ppl think I'm 12. FYL.

blondiepants_ 0

Hey at least when you're 60 you'll have the **** of a 40 year old.

brittyyboo_boo 0

well take it as a compliment. you look 8 years younger than you actually are or more. so when you're 40, you'll like you're 32! :)

I'm 15 and people think I'm 18 and that actually is a good thing.

magichateball 0

Wow you live in Cambridge MA? Or are you related to Professor Gates?

im4evaonyomind 0

this is sad. Not that you got carded, but that you talk the way you do and you're 24 years old. yikes! FYL

bexox 0

Same problem! I'm 21, and I practically haven't aged since I was 17. My ID doesn't help much either, since I look about 12 in the picture (it was taken when I was 16). Last time I went to a bar the bouncer asked what year I graduated from high school, testing me b/c he thought it was fake. I'm glad it expires this year. I might get a new one early.

visage 0

I'd hope you asked for the manager. Altho many would kill to be in that situation, it sucks to be falsely accused.

What a bitch! I'd just go and buy the ticket with an automated machine, if there was one there. Funny story, I was buying tickets to see Coraline, and the cashier charged me as a child (13 and under). I'm 19, wtf.