By aranya - 14/06/2012 22:51 - Netherlands - Hengevelde

Today, I went to see a movie with my girlfriend and a few others. Mid-way through, I noticed my girlfriend giving a hand-job to my best friend. I couldn't believe my eyes, and I confronted them. He claimed he had been asleep, she claimed she was mopping up a spill, and I'm now single again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 819
You deserved it 3 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh.. well.. at least you caught her in the act! You go, OP! If she would lie to your face like that, honestly, you're better off without her. And no, I'm not just saying that.


That's horrific... I feel bad for you.

If she's going to do something so slutty, especially right in front of you, she's really not worth it. It hurts right now, but you will find someone better.

damn fyl. it sucks to have that stuff happen to anyone and if she wants to be a **** and open her legs and her hands then let her cause shes gonna end up havin a kid and ruining her life. your better than her. sorry for her loss.

Who gives a hand-job in a movie theater? Can't they wait until they go somewhere private? Lol

SystemofaBlink41 27

I've known plenty people who do that stuff in the theater... It's pretty stupid

It's fun to do stuff in public. Maybe not the theaters per say. Or maybe.

onelove858 5

And I hope he's not your best friend anymore.

Did she have her hands in your popcorn?

Bros before hoes!!!some guys still follow that code!

melrose90210 10
SystemofaBlink41 27

The least they could do was come up with a better excuse....

SystemofaBlink41 27
mycleh13 7

should have kick that guy in the nuts and punched her in the boob!!! and your out OP!!!