By aranya - 14/06/2012 22:51 - Netherlands - Hengevelde

Today, I went to see a movie with my girlfriend and a few others. Mid-way through, I noticed my girlfriend giving a hand-job to my best friend. I couldn't believe my eyes, and I confronted them. He claimed he had been asleep, she claimed she was mopping up a spill, and I'm now single again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 819
You deserved it 3 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh.. well.. at least you caught her in the act! You go, OP! If she would lie to your face like that, honestly, you're better off without her. And no, I'm not just saying that.


Maybe the bestfriends look alike...hey, theaters are dark! Either way...when oppurtunity knocks, you answer ;)

bubbly31 0

Not if it's your best friends girlfriend doing the knocking

Wow 27, I feel sorry for your friends if that's your attitude.

You're 14. You -are- a grubby little teenager.

I'm not grubby. But yes, I am a teenager. And I'm not little. Well not for my age. I'm 5 foot 9.

191 - she seems like one of the few respectable teens, don't assume they're all grubby and slutty

Wow! She's bold. It's one thing to cheat behind closed doors but right next to you. Sorry original post you will find someone else.

SystemofaBlink41 27

You're the first person I see who says "original post" instead of OP

simplylost643 0

#98- That's because most of the FML users couldn't spell original poster in the first place. Either that, or they're just lazy.

Really? All of that and you focus on two words!

styroman 5

In the movie you should've just "YOU'RE GIVING HIM A HANDJOB IN THE THEATER?? You *****!" And make it dramatic with his ****. I don't know, that might just be me...

Honestly she's not even worth it if she treats you like that. Likewise with your best friend.

mizuki123 8

That's awful. I'm sorry OP better luck next time?

Inciter 33

That sucks, but you're better off without her. If she can do shit like that while you're right next to her, just imagine what she was probably doing behind your back.

CudLIfe420 3

You don't need her hands anyway, you have your own!

IEatBabiesALot 3

Nobody should smoke weed me ugly ass mother fucka