By aranya - 14/06/2012 22:51 - Netherlands - Hengevelde

Today, I went to see a movie with my girlfriend and a few others. Mid-way through, I noticed my girlfriend giving a hand-job to my best friend. I couldn't believe my eyes, and I confronted them. He claimed he had been asleep, she claimed she was mopping up a spill, and I'm now single again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 819
You deserved it 3 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh.. well.. at least you caught her in the act! You go, OP! If she would lie to your face like that, honestly, you're better off without her. And no, I'm not just saying that.


If I were you, I would be glad I'm single again. You're single now means you available for someone better again. So be happy. Btw, I would get a new best friend too if I were you. I'm I don't want a "best friend" that accepts handjobs from my girlfriend (in this case). Who knows, he might try to get into the pants of your new girlfriend.

What a ******* BITCH!!!!!! Yes neither one of them deserve you, & they sure sound like they are getting just what they do deserve, each other!!!!! Two asshole cheaters who can now worry who the other one is screwing around with!!!!! Btw, so sorry that happened, better now than when you're married!!!!

quincykid23 6

My "best friend" would have gotten his ass kicked in front of every1. And that bitch would have been left there to clean him up.

What a ****! And what a prick of a best friend.

Should've just took it as her inviting him to bed with you 2... explore! You could like it

melodywarner17 0

It's bad enough to cheat in general. Its even worse if it's with your significant other's best friend. But to cheat on your significant other with their best friend while on a date with your significant other is reaching a whole new level of fuckery. That sucks, OP.