By ko - 09/12/2012 00:25 - United States - Chicago

Today, I went to see a musical that some school friends had put on. At some point in the show, the main character kicked her leg up in the air, and her high heel flew off of her foot and into the audience. The shoe hit me square in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 132
You deserved it 2 174

Same thing different taste


You are special. That means you and only can find the gum under your seat.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Lol looks like you got a free shoe.

Abelle243 5

Is Barbie even still a thing in the 21st century? You don't hear much about her

"For this unenthused audience I bequeath...a boot to the head."

HanaFML 10
Rocky007 15

At sporting events the ticket always tells you to watch for balls or pucks leaving the playing field. Guess they should add that to theater tix.

Your life sucks for not seeing the hilarity of the situation!