By creeper - 03/09/2009 19:06 - United States

Today, I went to see my favorite band in concert. When the show was over I got the chance to meet them. When I met the guitarist and told him my name, he recognized me. To my disappointment it was as the facebook creeper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 067
You deserved it 50 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brrrx 0

YDI for being the definition of a facebook stalker.

deaditegirl 0

YDI for being a Facebook creeper.


Wonder what band this was. I wanna meet my favorite band soon.

Well, at least he did recognize you...I mean...that's a step above most of their fans, right???

schadenfreudes 0

What a loser. Too bad you're not hot.

hey, what band was it? but yeah, if the guys from my favourite band was my facebook creep, i really wouldn't mind.

CoolChik 5

YDI for being a creeper weirdo. WTF is your problem? Get a life. Or if you are going to message them so much, at least get a few different accounts so you don't look so stalkerish.

wakawakawaka_fml 0

I would have just told them that I don't have Facebook or something to the effect. If they could recognize both your face and your name, they themselves are a little creepy, in my opinion.

ghostgirll 0

does this not seem fake to anyone else? a band would have thousands of people leaving them comments, how could they possibly remember, yet alone recognize, someone who posted something on their facebook.

probably he/she spammed the hell out of the band's profile with "memorable" things XD

YDI for being stupid enough to stalk someone who says 'creeper' when 'creep' is a perfectly legitimate insult. Stop stalking the idiots who are killing English.