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By Screwed - 03/10/2009 04:37 - United States

Today, I went to see my guidance counselor. I was supposed to hear from my college about a scholarship by October 3rd. I was worried since it was already the 2nd so I went to talk to her. She never turned in my nomination. Goodbye $80,000 scholarship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 038
You deserved it 3 149

Same thing different taste


Pandachewchew12 0

wow that sucks! Hope you get into it anyway!

pen_island21 0

There was no guarantee that you would have been awarded the scholarship if you had submitted the application, was there?

Move to Australia, you hardly have to pay for college here.

So_Yeah 0

True that, I can't believe how much other countries have to pay for a tertiary education. To OP: good luck! I hope you find another way to get to college =)

Clearly Australia is the way to go. Quaternary(?) education (graduate school) is even more expensive. I pay 50k per year for medical school in the U.S. -- and that's the cheaper, in-state tuition. Out-of-staters shell out like 75.

You also have to take into account the exchange rate

Uhh.. Australia's tertiary education fee isnt as low as u think.. I had to pay $10,000 for 1 semester (10 weeks) when i studied there...

soldiat_fml 17

That's probably because you went there as an exchange student, it sounds like. If you're Australian or have been living in Australia, you get to take full advantage of the Australian tuition prices, but usually when you're in an exchange program you are really still going to the university in your country.

Uh no, I'm an Australian Citizen and I still had to pay 10k for my study... N yes I've been living in Aust for as long as I can remember...

But if you live in America, an Australian College Degree isn't worth as much as an American College Graduate Degree for job seeking

RubixMonkey 0

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"more on top of it" "she sucks" teeheehee Oh, I have been up far too long to still be on FML...

Okie7123 0

The thing about college is it teaches you to be responsible and do things for yourself. Try to do major things for yourself in the future without that middle-man that can screw it up for you. It's a lot more comforting to know if things get screwed up, you did everything in your power to make it work! Good luck. And agreed with earlier poster....Find Jack Black and Tom Hank's son and re-enact Orange County to get your scholarship

americayay 0

Thank you! I thought I was the only one thinking OP should've sent in the application herself.

RubixMonkey 0

At least I am not alone. And for the person making lewd comments (I think) (because they were tired) this is for you. Op you should have dominated the situation, turned the tables on her. IF she is going to **** you over then she needs to be ******.

cxal_fml 0

That's not always possible. At my high school we weren't allowed to send in college applications by ourselves because the school was afraid we'd forge our transcript. They required us to bring in the application to them, and then they'd attach our transcript and mail it (otherwise you couldn't get your transcript). The guidance counselor switched the envelopes on one girl, and both colleges sent the application back to her because the application wasn't for their school - just imagine how that looks when you're trying to get in

some scholarships require the school send them and not the applicant themselves >_>

but a lot of the time for scholarships it requires the mailing of transcripts and stuff straight from the school. and, that's a ******* counselor. they have responsibilities. don't walk into a high school looking to find a job and then try to get away with something as major like that. I have no sympathy for that ******* counselor. OP, have your counselor write a letter of apology to the school and see if you can still be accepted. or make her make a serious phonecall.

Hopefully you read her the riot act for guaranteeing you didn't get the scholarship. I'd file a complaint with the school board about it as well.

I concur. While you are one of the many students she has to deal with, she is clearly not organized and/or dedicated enough to take enough time to send in your nomination. Your college education isn't going to just appear out of nowhere, and she's litterally handicapped you if you don't have any other scholarships and have to pay out of your own pocket or your parent's pocket- ESPECIALLY in this recession. File a complaint to the school board, contact the college and explain that your counselor failed to send it in and would they be willing to accept a late submission, and meanwhile do all you can to keep your grades at the top. Good luck, OP. D=

This. If you pretty much for sure would have gotten it, then morally, your guidance counselor owes you the money.

It's an 80k scholarship..... there is a lot of competition for scholarships, there is no "pretty much guarantee" when it comes to them. OP - YDI - if you can't even follow up on paperwork that can change your life.. how are you going to survive actually living on your own and completing college? They don't hold your hand there like they do in high school.

flighted 1

my b...^ I didn't mean to thumb up your ridiculous comment, I meant to thumb down. OP did what they were supposed to do, it was the counselor's fault.

wow, yeah aus is the way to go lol. but maybe u should try agen next yr?

silkee_shiny 0

I feel you. I have a useless, Supposedly, Guidance counselor as well

maybe you shouldn't trust anyone else to do something this important... so, ydi, but also fyl.

boatkicker 4

Many scholarships have to be sent in by the school guidance councilor because sometimes they have to send things that students aren't given access too, or separate forms for the school, that the college/scholarship people need.