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By Anonymous - 08/02/2013 15:36 - United States

Today, I found a cup full of urine in the bathtub. No one in my family knows where it came from. This is the second time it's happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 315
You deserved it 2 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This calls for a hidden camera sting operation. You'll probably catch your father drunkenly stumbling into the bathroom in the middle of the night.


I'm pretty sure Jesus is not the urine fairy. Legend has it, however, that Buddha was known to leave cups of urine for children to find the next morning as a game. That's how we get the holiday Pee-ster, buddy.

****, I just thought of that shaggy song

I think someone is just taking the piss tbh.

Oh really 66? Thanks for clearing that up for me

I feel like someone in the family is just lying.

brrarm 17

I feel like someone in the family is just pregnant ... Well is checking if pregnant :)

quincykid23 6

2. Sorry couldn't resist. Odd OP.... Kinda sketchy haha

RedPillSucks 31

Who the hell does that? Isn't the toilet usually in the same room or a room adjacent to where the bath tub is?

Believe it or not, some people have a room just for a shower... Kind of dumb tho.

chickenflem 8

26- hence the words "room adjacent"

It's not dumb 26. Some people prefer to shower in a room separate from the one they excrete in

83, I kind of, sort of didn't really read it.. Even had to thumb myself down :/

This calls for a hidden camera sting operation. You'll probably catch your father drunkenly stumbling into the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Or your mom on the toilet. For the love of god, OP, don't hide a camera!

RedPillSucks 31

points to dad if he can pee in a cup while drunk without spillage

Heck, you might just find out that R Kelly has been sneaking into your bathroom

unknown_user5566 26

There's only one logical conclusion for this, OP. Someone in your family is obviously getting black out drunk, and deciding that the toilet has been rendered useless, and instead opts for an old-school peeing option. You can do a Hangover style investigation to catch the culprit. You just better hope it's not you! :)

Is your hair tied back or is it just short?

unknown_user5566 26

Not sure why it's important, but it's tied back. My hair isn't that short.

wlddog 14

I think someone has an FML crush on someone. Next they will be asking your shoe size. Oh, another logical conclusion could be someone is trying to see if they are with child. Not all women like to pee on a stick. They prefer the dunk method. At least my wife did. Course, she poured it out too.

doubleAB 1

sounds like someone knows how to party hard

perdix 29

Someone's bladder, obviously. Case closed.

wlddog 14
klovemachine 24

If it only happened once, no big deal. But twice? Now it's time to be concerned :-O