By blind - 29/01/2011 11:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to see the "Cirque du Soleil" at the Albert Hall. It was amazing, apparently. Of course I wouldn't know, because I left my glasses at the hotel, and was sitting at the very back row. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 810
You deserved it 30 475

Same thing different taste

Sensory deprivation

By Trisha - 07/10/2023 10:00 - United States

Today, I went to a theme park with my friends. I was excited to ride the rollercoasters, but just as we were about to get on the biggest one, I realized I'd had left my glasses in the car. I can't see shit without them, but I decided to go on the ride anyway. I spent the entire time screaming in terror while my friends laughed, while I couldn't see a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 178
You deserved it 677

Top comments

Didn't they have those mini binocular things they often have in theatres?

Ooooh i went to see that yesterday too!! It was so amazing. You have to go back and see it again with your glasses this time! It would be well worth it i promise you!


sipher16 0
datkid117 13

My marching band show was Cirque du Soleil, "Journey of Man" to be exact. It was pretty sweet. Sorry you had to miss out though.

emodude44 0 should know by now to bring your glasses. Idiot.

wow you missed a circus show because you left your glasses within walking distance. I spent an entire weekends 200 miles from home with my only pair of glasses sitting on the dresser

Sorry that you left your glasses 200 miles away but for all you know, Op could have NOT been walking distance to the hotel. She doesn't say how far the hotel is.

CDS are ******* awesome, u missed out sooo much...just sayin

you left you glasses, when you knew you'd be going someplace where you'd need them. ydi idiot.

for our high school, this years marching band show was Cirque Du Soleil: KA! real sorry you had to miss the show :/

i do that at school all the time. i feel your pain, bur yours is more :(

I've done that before. It's not fun. Lol