By Anonymous - 23/01/2017 22:00

Today, I went to Sunday school for the first time. The priest assured us we could ask him anything, so I did. When class ended the priest pulled me and my mom aside and asked her to stop bringing me to Sunday school until "she learns not to question the bible and accept what she is told". FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 990
You deserved it 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The problem with religion in a nutshell. At least with science it's acknowledged that information could be proven wrong at a later date instead of saying "the is the answer for now and forever, and if you question it you are a bad person."


Always. Question. Everything. Ask until you're satisfied with the answer. I suggest that you find someone else to be your teacher. There are many fine organizations that promote open communication. Look for a non-denominational Bible study in your area!

I guess I'm lucky with my church/Sunday school cause they actually let us question everything and had good explanations. Honestly, the bible is all about how you interpret it.

GIJoefan 6

Was this a Catholic Church you went to? Unfortunately they usually don't encourage people to study the Bible on their own, only to accept their own interpretation of it, which is taught in Catechism.

I wonder had a Sunday school teacher at my aunt's church spitting mad because I argued with him that Hitler was one of the greatest Germans to live (he was expecting the name of a missionary). I even quoted Harry Potter lol "He did great things. Terrible, but great"

SaucierGirl 20

That’s no good. I don’t know what religion you’re in, but in Christianity it is good to study and seek truths. It’s natural to have doubts and questions, and good clergy will help you find answers to your questions (if there is an answer), and will try to help strengthen your faith whether there is an answer or not.