By JP - 18/06/2009 16:11 - Italy

Today, I went to the bank to make a withdrawal in order to celebrate my last day here in Italy with my friends. Apparently I'm overdrawn by 187 dollars so I'm eating nothing but leftover stale crackers to survive until I get free plane food on my way back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 018
You deserved it 48 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Leftover stale crackers to *survive*? Oh, honey--are you sure you'll make it? Maybe you should call the embassy.

unlucky91 0

If your friends were good.. they would pay for your last meal in Italy.


Wow u realy have to pay attension to ur finances

and you really need to learn how to spell.

Ouch. You gotta keep track of your cash moneys, guy. I made the same mistake, and I had to drive my car around with bad tie rods and a bad MAF for a month.

snowsurfskate303 0

ouchh hey, plane food aint so bad

CherishFlowers 0

Wow. You have to go ONE day with a little bit of food. Some people have to go MANY days with only a couple stale crackers.

gigglingmonk 0

YDI for not keeping track of your finances. But I can still empathize. You could always pretend to be a huge pigeon and hope people feed you seed and bread.

Kristoffer 35

You took the words right out of my mouth.

you gotta be careful! i went to italy this april and it turned out my credit card did not work as internationally as we were told. i had to borrow money just for food and a simple souvenir. but i found this out early so i could be wise with my spending.

sleepy_999 0

Better hope you're not on a flight that is charging for food... Then you'll have to survive even longer on stale crackers.

If you friends were nice, i'm sure they wouldn't mind shouting you some food.

You've got worse problems. A lot of the toilets in Italy require cash. What a crappy place.

codaic1549 0

yeppers they do! but u could always pee in the room for revenge! just kiddin!

#15: Epic Win! Btw, ydi for not paying attention to your finances. Also, suck it up, it's only a day.