By weldingmachine217 - 16/11/2015 21:47 - United States - Blanchard

Today, I went to the bowling alley. I have short, stubby fingers, and as I looked for a bowling ball that would fit my hand properly, an old man watched me searching, and approached asking, "Is that how you are with women? Fingering them, tossing them in the gutter, and looking for another?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 261
You deserved it 3 645

Same thing different taste


I've just reached that age and grizzled appearance that I can now do this with impunity. It's immensely gratifying, especially since I am in stupidly good shape for an old fart, so I fat shame, food shame, vegan shame, hipster shame. And they can't find a come back quickly enough.. I feel like a god. And an attention seeking *******.

As a bowler, I find this very amusing. He was very puny. I can spare you the details of all of the bowling puns I know.

bahahaha you have to admit, that is pretty clever.

thats actually hilarious. why the **** is this an FML

Sounds a lot like my grandpa. Whenever he walked by girls on their knees stocking in the grocery store he told them to 'give it a little kiss.'

avengerofcrack 11

three fingers.. hmm sounds like those downriver girls