By weldingmachine217 - 16/11/2015 21:47 - United States - Blanchard

Today, I went to the bowling alley. I have short, stubby fingers, and as I looked for a bowling ball that would fit my hand properly, an old man watched me searching, and approached asking, "Is that how you are with women? Fingering them, tossing them in the gutter, and looking for another?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 256
You deserved it 3 644

Same thing different taste


I couldn't help but laugh...perhaps investing in your own bowling ball might not be a good idea if this keeps happening

What's with all the people saying the old man sounds awesome? He sounds like a jackass. Hey, let's walk up to a random stranger, make fun of their physique, and imply that they treat women badly. What a riot! Dick.

Redgy22 26

Where did it say he made fun of op's physique? He was probably just lonely & looking to start a conversation with someone. Anyone. Sounds like it was just a joke. UNCLENCH...

Helldemon 32

Exactly, what he made "fun" of(aka a joke) was op going through several bowling balls and sticking his fingers into all of them.

tiredofwaiting 25

Okay props to the old mans sense of humor that's hilarious

If you were offended, get over yourself. Learn to smile at a harmless joke.

Wow, that was rather presumptuous of him. Whose to say you weren't going back for seconds.