By actually just constipated.. and stupid - 04/03/2015 15:03 - Tunisia

Today, I went to the doctor, because I've been having stomach pains and nausea for weeks. He ended up gravely telling me I'm pregnant. I freaked out and panicked about what my parents would say. Then his laughter reminded me that I'm a guy. A really stupid one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 368
You deserved it 37 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've said "I'm not a man" just to **** with him too

You're not on the pill!? Jeez man. At least use condoms Eh mate!


Rosebudx 32

My doctor did that, except I'm a girl and a virgin. I also panicked.

kris1256396 17

This made the list I've sent in gold and this is the crap that makes the list? Really? Wow

Well if your name has anything to do with it sounds like when its time, it will be a nice sized and healthy baby. And you will feel very relieved

this is epic...who is that doctor by the way...

You should have told the doctor you were infertile.