By LaineyLove - 09/05/2009 07:05 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor. For the past year, my stomach would get upset every time I ate. Attempting to ease the pain, I would always eat a piece of bread. My doctor told me I have Celiac disease, which means I'm allergic to gluten. I'm allergic to bread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 536
You deserved it 8 209

LaineyLove tells us more.

I'm the one who wrote the FML. I'll clear some things up for those of you who think I deserved it. The FMLs have to be short so I couldn't write the whole story. My main symptoms were severe joint and muscle pain along with cramping and headaches. The stomach pain was constant, not just when I ate bread. I had a hard time even digesting vegetables. I went to doctors practically every week and scoured the internet. I was finally "diagnosed" with fibromyalgia and IBS. My first Celiac blood test came back negative, but finally my gastroenterologist figured it out. I'm now gluten-free, and I'm feeling much better (although hungry). And I'm a pre-med student, so I'm not an idiot. I saw at least 5 different doctors and specialists. I even went to Mayo Clinic. Celiac can be a very difficult diagnosis as the symptoms are often non-specific. Thanks for all the tips on gluten-free food. It's time for me to start cooking!

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

that does suck. but. didn't the bread just make you feel worse? and if so, why did you keep eating it each time?

Linesksc 0

Im sorry... I know what that one is like... they thought I had that too. There are plenty of support groups out there, and a lot of alternatives.. keep your head up!!!!


MukyDaCookie 0

Oh dude, that's really weak. My friend has the same problem. He says it was hard at first, but now he's used to it and it's not that bad. Good luck man

kellster 2

Every other person has Celiac these days. It's not that bad. And how did you not notice the correlation between bread & being sick for that long? That's a little strange. There's tons of gluten free stuff out there, and tons of Celiacs. I'm sure there are support groups and whatnot, too.

Coeliacchic93 21

I was severely Ill for a long time before I got diagnosed and it was NOT my fault in anyway. Unless you live with the pain/emotional side of it you have no right to say it's not that bad. 1 in 100 people will have it but most of them won't know, most people still don't know what it is. Plus there are no support groups near where I live so I had to deal with it myself.

That is why you don't wait a ******* year to get checked out when you feel pain "every time" you eat!

Hey I diagnosed myself with celiac's about a year ago---it took the doctors until november last fall to figure out what was wrong with me, and every time I told them that I thought it was celiac's they dismissed me. (I didn't originally present with stomach problems, but rather muscle problems--an irregular symptom, the stomach pains came later). The only reason I was able to tell that my problems were caused by wheat was because I had to give wheat up for a week during Passover--there was no reason you should have thought that the bread was causing problems...especially when we're indoctrinated to think a slice of bread will solve upset stomach. A lot of the people who commented seem rather idiotic...

Coeliacchic93 21

Most people assume they know about it when they have no idea, and some coeliacs still eat gluten sometimes which is ridiculous knowing the complications the damage can cause. So that makes everyone say 'oh it's not that bad'

Aww, they thought I had that too! Luckily I didn't, but I know how it feels. Feel better! :)

i agree with #13.... its an fml because they were taking the one thing that was hurting them in order to feel better

Don't worry about it to much. I got diagnosed with it 5 years ago. It'll take awhile but you will eventually get used to it. There are a lot of great alternative foods out there that aren't really that bad. It'll seem bad at first but after a few weeks you'll get used to the idea of having it and it won't seem so bad.

Leptailurus 0

I have Coeliac, it's not so bad once you get used to it. There is PLENTY of food at the grocery store that is gluten-free, made with corn flour or rice flour, or oat flower! (Depending on the severity of your intolerance, you may be able to handle oats. I can handle organic oats, but the other companies seem to have contaminated theirs with wheat) And in 90% of cases, the alternate flour makes the food taste SO much better. Richer flavor. Especially oat flour brownies mmmmmm..... But uhh... it took you a YEAR of eating bread after "every" meal, and a trip to the doctor, to realize that it was the bread was upsetting your stomach? Does 2 + 2 = 5 to you? I'm not going to click YDI, but I don't think this is a FML either. :/

There is another new book out called "The G Free Diet" that might help also. This is a very serious and debilitating problem! As a nurse I suspect that anyone that says FYL or YDI have no clue what pain the OP and others with this dificulty actually suffer!

wooow. my sister has that. not that bad. suck it up and move on.