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By Dooh - 17/01/2012 23:12 - United Kingdom

Today, I've found out that since beginning my new heavy workout regime, my testosterone levels have gone through the roof, making me constantly horny. My girlfriend lives on another continent. The reason I'm working out so hard? To impress her when I see her next. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 113
You deserved it 5 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Don't listen to that person... I won't tell...

Muslimgal92 0

No don't stay loyal. This is BS! You can't have a GF on another continent. Go out And find you a real gf that lives in the same city as you are!

You two just can't stay loyal with anyone or have never been in love. Once you find someone that you love enough to not cheat on and trust, you'll understand. Until then, quit ******** on others relationships.

OP's GF: I can't wait to see you! I'm about to explode with excitement! OP: Oh, believe me, you don't know the half of it.

I must agree with 15. Long distance relationships are so romanticized but they aren't realistic. The only reason to maintain a long distance relationship is if you are going to school and your significant other is "back home" and you plan to return there. If its an online thing you should really end it and find something real. Good luck op!

That's weird, my LDR has been working for over 2 years and it's still going strong. And yes, it's an online thing. It requires a lot of effort and communication to make it work, but it CAN work just fine.

yusaku02 20

I'm in the same boat as 41 but change 2 years to 3 years. It most definitely can work.

To everyone saying "find another gf," you are giving aweful advice. Maybe OP realizes that relationships can be built around love rather than sex.

They can work. My gf and I have been together for almost two years and she lives on the east coast while me on the west. I've seen her about 8 times and we met online. They can work, it just takes a lot of dedication and loyalty.

She's your gf not your wife. You dont have to dump her but you are well within your rights to get some action on the side. I'll bet she is. Talk with her about it.

That it madness!! It's cool that it works for u. I don't have the strength to do it. When my ex left for the West Coast, I told her I loved her, and to live it up and enjoy her life. We were young and in the military.

sk8rchick97 0

OP, meet right hand. Right hand, meet OP.

Sounds like something my boyfriend would do when he transfers away and I go over seas.

maryam8869 7

69 - I want to just keep downing your comment. So negative..

Hey, theres something called a right hand with lotion on it that can solve that problem. Or maybe a closer gf.

jacob4592 0

A closer gf is right!! Another continent yeah the freak right!

Real men use straight-up manual transmission. **** that weak-sauce lotion.

I don't really understand the FML part of this.

OP, my boyfriend can probably feel your pain right now. Long distance relationships really suck when you're horny as ****. .. I didn't do that one on purpose. ^ At least it'll all be worth it in the end!

zakkyzebra 11

Kinda agree with 50. I'm in a long distance relationship too. My boyfriend is in America and I'm studying in England but I'm originally from Gibraltar. We're thousands of miles apart and also get horny. Phone sex/cyber sex is just working with what you've got at the moment.

starburst7596 14
ThecomingofTan 9

Go rub one out under your bed, but make sure to check for monsters.

Checking for monsters is not necessary; monsters (and people) tend to not go near masturbating men.

if I knew that, I'd have started earlier

BrightBrownEyes 11

That's good you're doing that though!

hitman_mata 2

Type 1 diabetes? Haha why is that