By Caroline - 24/02/2013 09:34 - Denmark - Copenhagen

Today, I went to the doctor to get a blood test and I started crying when I saw the needle. I planned on becoming a doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 150
You deserved it 13 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Close your eyes every time you put a needle in someone's arm. What could possibly go wrong?


NurseNikNak 3

I am a nurse and find that when it comes to poking someone else with a needle, I am more than fine. I can watch other people stick others with needles. I just don't like it when needles are being stuck in me. I really think you will be fine since you are in control of the needle and not being stuck.

This is why I have my nurses administer all my patients shots!

Trying administering a little aversion therapy to yourself... Watch all the videos you can find online of people sticking other people with needles, and Google Image search the crap out of it! I tried this to get over the squeamishness I feel whenever I go to donate blood and it is helping! Besides, you practice on fruit and prosthetics way before you're allowed near an actual human being.

Having one going into you is scarier than putting on in someone else

I cried as a first year medical student when our class was getting our compulsory needles, and again during a prac where we had to do finger prick glucose tests on ourselves. I almost fainted the first time I had to take blood from someone else. But years down the track, I don't have any problems with needles now, and I'm a source of comfort to those of my patients who are afraid of needles. Trust me, it does get better, and it won't disadvantage you at all, so please don't abandon your dreams to become a doctor because of this!

With needles my motto is "it's better to give than to receive." Don't give up on your dream yet.

Idk about there, but here the nurses do the needles, not the doctors